The Top Canary Challenge

The Top Canary Challenge with Share a Canary
Win a $250 Amazon gift voucher and a place in our Top Canary Hall of Fame!
The Top Canary
You've got to be in it to win it. To get into the competition:
1. Create a canary
2. Share your Canary*
3. Get 12 months' free access to Cloud Canaries and a free t-shirt
4. The canary with the most downloads per quarter wins the prize and the place in the Hall of Fame
*We reserve the right to remove canaries from the aviary that don't meet our guidelines
Once you've signed up for the Top Canary Challenge, sign up for the Free Test Flight Subscription. The subscription is free for three months—but when you share your first canary, your Free Test Flight Subscription will be extended by a further twelve months.
You will receive a temporary password. Reset the password and sign in. You will then be asked if you want to load sample canary template libraries into your sandbox. Loading the canary template libraries can take time. Monitor the load status from the My template libraries page. Once loaded create a canary on the Canary Dashboard

The SDK is a zip file and contains all the files and documentation to create your own canaries. The SDK contains one of our sample template libraries with 3 template canaries. We suggest that the developer puts together the template library and upload it first without any changes to understand the workflow:
1. Sign in
2. Go to the user admin dropdown on the far right with your first name.
3. Select “My Canary Templates” in the dropdown.
4. Select the organization you want the canaries to be located.
5. Select “+Create” next to the “Canary Template Libraries” title.
6. Select “Provider” and either select existing provider or create a new provider. This is normally the developer, such as “Cloud Canaries”
7. Enter a Service Name. This is the service or function that the canaries are creating workloads on.
8. Upload library. Only use zip.
Step 5: Write, upload and test
You should be ready to create your canary template library. Add a version number to the library name or delete the library all together. Allow the canary to run for an extended period before declaring MVP! Check environmental setting, the management page and the dashboards.
Canary template libraries can be created using an OpenAPI 3.x schema. The template library will contain a 1 to 1 relationship, 1 canary for every API. It can be a useful tool to speed up development.

Once your canary template library has been approved, you can share it within your company or outside to the Cloud Canary DevOps community or request to have the canary template library added to the canary subscription. Plus, your canaries will be TOP CANARY contenders.
CONGRATULATIONS on sharing your first canary! We'll announce the winner of the Top Canary Challenge every quarter and add them to our Hall of Fame! The first Top Canary Challenge winner will be announced on January 1, 2025.