Price Comparison Table

Three subscriptions to choose from or go with the competition, pay a lot more and get less.

Let's keep it simple and inexpensive.

Three plans to choose from.  One free for 3 months, 1 for teams and 1 for corporations.

Billed Monthly
Billed Annually
Test Flight Team Pack Corporate Pack Large Invoice Leader (Competitor)
Pricing 3 Active Canaries free for 3 months
$ 0
$ 0
15 Active Canaries
$ 59
$ 49
45 Active Canaries
$ 99
$ 79
$ $$$
$ ???
Canary Dashboard
Create, schedule, deploy and manage your canaries. Add alarms and notifications.
Who knows?
Health Dashboard
Displays the current status of the workload and that of the canaries; healthy or not. Filtered by provider, service and individual canary.
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Compliance Dashboard
Similar to Heath, Compliance provides health over a period. In addition a SLA based on a targeted downtime; and artifact reports.
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Forecast Dashboard
Rolling 5 day composite forecast based on services and individual canaries. Multiple AI models can be used in combination depending on preferences.
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Incidence Page
Incidents are at a service level. Page includes on-going and past incidents.
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SLA Results Page
Similar to the Incident page, displays current and past SLA periods, status and target.
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Organizations can be test, stage and prod. An Org can be based on a company structure or location... Anything you want. The key is how you want to separate your views of the cloud.
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Canary Templates
Canary template are delivered as template libraries. Once loaded you can created a canary by adding environmental variables and or thresholds for monitoring.
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Service Settings
Service settings controls notification content and incidents at a service level; including SLA, criteria starting and ending incidents and content sent to other applications in notifications.
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Schema Import
Turn OpenAPI schemas into canaries to be used directly or as a baseline to create more complex canaries.
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Forecast Models
Select your AI model, now our own or Cortext AI from Snowflake. Control the data being used to tune.
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Location for external account information, such as Snowflake.
Who knows?
The Aviary platform can store canary data by organization on Snowflake. Plus, use the Cortext ML tools to build bespoke AI models (it is really cool).
Who knows?

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